The End & The Beginning

Well, I did it! I made it through Full Sail University's Music Production, Bachelor of Science program. I made some incredible friends and industry connections during my 23 months here. Did it go fast? Absolutely! Would I do it all over again? Without hesitation! 

I learned so, so much during my time here, both musically and about myself. My work ethic and drive that I've always had sure helped get me through it. It also allowed me to work on some pretty incredible projects, specifically helping with WWE NXT. 

There is a list 100 miles long of people that I could thank, but I'm going to leave it at "you know who you are." We're Full Sail family. The last few months were a grind, but they were so, so worth it. I built up my resume, made even more friends, and busted my ass to showcase my work-ethic, something I bank so hard on in my life. It's already brought a lot to me, and I look forward to seeing what opportunities it brings in the near future! 

The last two months of class I had the opportunity to compose a hybrid orchestral, Hans Zimmer-inspired track. It started with me playing around an arpeggio I came up with on the piano. When we got in the studio to record, I became heavily inspired. I had the opportunity to bring in a live cellist (who was my lab instructor) and my good friend Abby, who is an incredible vocalist. Having live cello and vocals on my track changed the entire direction of the track from a mixing standpoint. I've embedded a SoundCloud link below. The song is called "The Beginning." 

This track is not close to being done, as there's so much that I want to do to it yet. I'm hoping that it will get picked up by a movie or something and then I'll be forced to finish it. 

On top of having to compose a song we also had to create a website for our portfolio. Luckily, I had built one awhile back so I just added and updated it to suit the needs of the class. However, now I need to update it again (I think). Web design is fun, but I can never completely put out what I want. You can view my website, projects, and other portfolio items here

As I sit here writing this post, I still can't get myself to fathom the idea that I'm completely done with school for the rest of my life (unless I decide to go back). I'm a very analytical person so I know that I'm going to learn so, so, so much more once I get out and land myself a job (which I'm currently working on). Life is full of opportunities. Why not try all of them once and learn something from each one?

Bachelor of Science, Music Production 
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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