About Me

I'm not going to say anything too fancy, but here's a little about me. I was raised in the small town of Barnesville, Minnesota, and over the years I learned many, many amazing things. One of the most important is that family, friends, and community members are very important. In a small community where everybody knows everybody's life story, we are there for one another whenever we may need them. Although there are a few cons to a small town, the pros outweigh them by a lot. I attended elementary and high school in Barnesville and graduated in May of 2014. Throughout my years living in Barnesville I accomplished many wonderful things that have formed me into the dedicated person I am today. I was involved with the school, ran two of my own jobs (photography and lawn care), and worked two regular jobs on top of that. (One of them at local software company and the other and the local grocery store.) Both of these jobs taught me many valuable skills that I will cherish and utilize for the rest of my life. From learning how wonderful people can be to basic accounting skills from running my lawn care and photography businesses. Besides me being a workaholic, I thoroughly enjoy music. It's an extremely powerful thing. This is the reason why I took twelve years of piano and am currently pursing a degree in music production to enter into the music industry. Music has changed who I am and the person I will become, and if it's changed me so dramatically and positively, I thoroughly believe it can do the same for you. 

As you probably can tell from the title of this blog and/or the content, I am attending Full Sail University to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Production. After I graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Music Production, I am going to obtain my Master of Science degree in Entertainment of Business from Full Sail. I have hopes and dreams of running my own company, becoming an A&R rep for a record label, or working as an audio engineer. I'm not going to limit myself as it can ruin possible job opportunities. Besides, life is too short to limit yourself in anything you ever do. Always follow your intuition and just go for it. 

All the best,


Bachelor of Science, Music Production