To say I'm Grateful is an Understatement...

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had a few life-changing opportunities come my way and I’m so excited to finally get some time to share them with all of you! There have been so many extraordinary people come into my life, and I’m forever grateful for each and every one of them. They’ve all taught me something wonderful in life, school, and my professional career.

A month ago, my dad came down to Florida to spend the week with me before we headed up to Minnesota for the holiday season. Atom, one of my previous instructors at Full Sail, took a good chunk of time out of his day after class to meet with my dad and I, show us around some of the studios (studios that I won’t ever use because of my degree program), and share some wonderful opportunities with us.

Atom and I sitting at the Neve 9098i.
After viewing all of the studios and wrapping up our little tour, we headed over to the Dub Stage, a room that is set up like a movie theater, Dolby certified, and has state-of-the-art technology. As we’re visiting with one of the instructors in charge of the Dub Stage, Atom says, “I might just have my next recommendation for the Dub Stage internship,” as he points at me subtly. “I haven’t been able to recommend anybody in a long time and I think I’ve found my next recommendation.” I couldn’t help but smile. I was overwhelmed by the fact that he wanted to recommend me out of all of the extremely talented students that go through his course. Do I really stand out that much? Is my hard work paying off? The #TLS (The Lennon Standard) is finally paying off! After I finally internally regathered myself, I turned to my dad and we both smiled. Oh, and did I mention that I would be the first Full Sail Music Production student to go through this internship? And I was told that many students that go through this internship go right out to New York or Los Angeles (where I want to go) and start working on feature films. As my aunt Carmen usually says, “Awesome blossom!”

The Dub Stage
For those of you who don’t know Atom, he truly is an amazing, talented, and an all-around kind-hearted person; one of a kind, in fact. His musical abilities have led him to write multiple singles and a few albums (one of which is in the works), a few songs have been released on Rockband, and even covered by an American Idol contestant. Atom is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and attended the University of Minnesota. He currently works closely with a label he and a friend started called Atomic Records. Full Sail got extremely lucky when Atom came on board!

A few weeks prior to Dad coming down to visit, Atom was talking to me about hooking me up with an internship at Atomic Records. “If you ever need an internship, please let me know and I can hook you up,” said Atom. “The guy hired the last Full Sailor I sent up there.”

That being said, I’m so glad I have a few things sitting on my back burner for after graduation because I was a little nervous when I first started Full Sail. It’s a huge relief to know that things are slowly falling into place. I didn’t have any connections in the music industry, unlike quite a few of the students here at Full Sail. I held myself to high standards by enrolling in Full Sail and not having any connections. I knew I had to network, step way out of my comfort zone, and be professional. It’s nice to see that all of my hard work is paying off! I’m quite proud of myself!
"I knew I had to network, step way out of my comfort zone, and be professional."
The Dub Stage internship is a six-week internship post-graduation. After I obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Music Production, I would like to move on and get my Master’s degree in Entertainment Business. But being that things are quickly changing gears at a rate that I can’t even keep up with, that may change. I’ve been told by the instructors at the dub stage that I am able to take classes and do the internship at the same time. However, I haven’t been able to decide if I want to do that. Both the internship and my schooling are very, very important to me, and I want to be able to focus on one or the other full-time so I can fully immerse myself in every aspect. So, when it all comes down to it, I should probably just stick with doing the internship after graduation. Afterall, I can always come back and do my Master’s or do it online. Coming back/staying here is definitely an option; I’ve met so, so many amazing people here at Full Sail and I am excited to meet more!

I remember FaceTiming Mom shortly after Dad and I arrived back at my apartment. I had to tell her about the news I had just received from Atom and a few other instructors. She immediately started crying, and I couldn’t help but tear up a little bit myself. She was at a loss for words, and I was, too. To see her tear up, smile, and tell me how proud she is of me puts me at a loss for words. Making my parents proud is by far my top priority in life, and I’m glad that I’ve done that and more. I’m so lucky to have such wonderful and supportive parents!
"Making my parents proud is by far my top priority in life, and I'm glad that I've done that and more." 
As I mentioned in a post on my Full Sail Journey blog, Facebook, and even Twitter, I joined a student production agency called SPARK. SPARK is in charge of a variety of technical projects in the Orlando, Florida area, such as filming promotional videos for the City of Winter Park, various local non-profit groups, and filming the Gradfest interviews. The interviews are your standard interviews, containing pretty stereotypical questions, such as “What’re your plans after graduation?” “What has your Full Sail journey meant to you?” “Who would you like to thank?” This video is then played at the graduation ceremony.

Last month I signed up to be an editor for the Gradfest interviews. Scary, right? Yes, it was, but I took it on and knocked it out of the park. My supervisor (who is a lab instructor for the Film program) was so impressed that he, too, told me about the dub stage internship. He said that my rough cut was phenomenal and my final cut was superb; one of the best they’ve had in awhile. I only spent 12 hours cutting two hours of interviews into roughly 7 minutes. It should not have been anything less than superb! To have not one, but two Full Sail faculty members recommend this dub stage internship all within a week is phenomenal. It’s almost too much for me to soak in. My excitement levels are completely through the roof!

Before I conclude this post, I would like extend a few thank yous to some very important people in my life. To all of my friends: thank you for your never-ending love and support. Your kind words mean so, so much to me, and they keep me motivated to do my best each and every day. I love you all!

Secondly, to my Songwriting instructor, Atom. I know I’ve thanked you before, but I feel that I should say thank you to you every day for everything you’ve done for me in the last few months. You’ve taught me so much about music, songwriting, and the music industry. You truly are one of the most inspirational and amazing people that’s ever came into my life. I continue to strive and do the best I can each and every day because of the opportunities you have laid on the table for me. You’ve reaffirmed that a good work ethic, passion for your career, and professional image are key in a tough industry. With all of these qualities and the right connection(s) (people like you, Atom), I’m wiggling my way into an industry I thought I would have a tough time getting into.

Finally, I would like to say a thank you to Mom and Dad. You both are my rock, my biggest fans, and biggest supporters. Your words of wisdom, support, and love is truly the reason I wake up with a smile on my face and remain so positive each and every day. When I wake up every morning, the first thing I ask myself is, “How did I get so lucky?” I continually remind myself that very few people are as fortunate to be able to do what I’m doing and have such an amazing support system to get them through it. Moving across the country was not easy, but you told me it would be good for me and you were right, as always. It was the best decision I could’ve made; my life has turned into everything I dreamed it would be and more. Mom and Dad, thank you. Thank you for believing me, supporting me, loving me, and giving me the opportunity to go out and live out my dreams! I’m so lucky to have you as parents and I love you both more than words can say! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dad, Me, Mom
A huge thank you to everyone who has been a part of my amazing journey! I could not have done it without you!

Lennon Cihak
Bachelor of Science, Music Production

About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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