Life Update

I'm a bit ashamed of myself, but I'm proud at the same time. I have a good excuse as to why I haven't had any blog posts the past few weeks: life, school, and work. Through SPARK at Full Sail, I've been put on a few projects that I'm working on. June came around, which initiates a new class, group of assignments, and schedule. So, I do have valid excuses as to why I haven't been able to post anything. I've tried to blog, but it's been very difficult. Nonetheless, here's an update on what I've been up to this past month or so. 

Through SPARK at Full Sail, I was placed on a project for the ASPCU (now CECU). This project entitled a hand-selected group of seven people in SPARK. Our duty was to create a 20-minute, utilizing the resources that were provided to us by the ASPCU. Not only did we successfully complete the video, but we "blew it out of the water," according to the president, Steve Gunderson. On June 6th, we attended a luncheon at a beautiful resort here in Orlando, Florida. We Full Sailors were treated like royalty, and our video was ranted and raved about by everybody. It was so, so amazing to be recognized by the "higher ups" and various professionals. As I'm sure you've heard me say, "hard work does pay off!" 

After they played the video that we created, we were called up to the stage and awarded a certificate of appreciation, a $50 gift card, and a thank you card. Again, being recognized for hard work feels so good! 

The incredible group that I had the honor of working with during this project.
Also through SPARK, I'm currently waiting to receive some information from the Winter Park fire department so we can record their instructional video. I'm looking forward to helping with that. I may even become an actor for a few minutes! 

A classmate of mine sent me his beat that he sampled and produced to mix and master. I've always thoroughly enjoyed mixing and mastering music, and it was great to mix and master something other than my own stuff. Having a fresh set of ears on a piece of music can make all the difference to a track - it gives it new life and a whole new perspective. It was a smaller session and project, so it didn't take all that long. It was a ton of fun to do, though! Hopefully he sends me some more stuff to mix and master! If you're interested in listening to it, you can listen to it below. 

On top of class, homework, spending time with friends and family, and SPARK projects, I'm working the WWE events here on campus. They get to be long, long days, but they're so worth it. The people that I work with teach me so much, and I have the best crew to work with! They're fun, energetic, and extremely hard working. Work is fun when you work with a bunch of friends! 

In the coming weeks I'm hoping that things slow down a little bit so I can do a few more blog posts and get some side projects finished. I can feel myself slowly re-ordering my priorities, and that's both a good and bad thing. It puts aside my working side to have a little fun. But I have to remember that school work comes first. I am spending a lot of money to be here, so I need to soak everything in.  

I'll keep this short and sweet, so we'll end here. Hopefully I'll have some posts up in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! 

Peace out,

Bachelor of Science, Music Production

About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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