My First WWE Experience

Where do I even begin?

In September 2015, I joined a group called SPARK here at Full Sail. It has to be one of the best decisions I've made while I've been here. The group is responsible for assisting with the technical--and some non-technical--events around campus. For example, they will come in and record both the video and the audio for a guest speaker or assist in setting up the equipment or props for an event. The group works closely with the Full Sail event crew. SPARK is also very, very involved with an abundance of non-profit groups in the Orlando area. While I've been doing everything I can with the SPARK group to get involved and meet new people, one of the most amazing things I did was get involved with the WWE events. 

It all started on Tuesday, October 6th. I got to the school and signed in. I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect, especially with all of the massive generators out in the backlot and a semi pulled in the little alley between Full Sail Live and the Audio Temple where I normally walk through. Wrestlers, divas, and very important WWE executives brushed past me as I walked to my location: the vignette room (which happened to be in my math room back in January). The room was already completely setup, but there were a few things that had to be done. It was a lot of sitting and waiting around after that. Being that everything was already done it was just a matter of helping out when we needed. We were going to do some filming, but the talent wasn't there yet. Instead, I got to meet and know some of the other amazing SPARK members. We had a blast visiting and getting to know each other. How did I get so lucky to be where I am today and be with so many amazing individuals? 

Tuesday was an easy day. I helped with WWE from 1PM - 5PM then went to class from 5:15PM - 1AM. Wednesday, however, was a little more hectic because it was the day of the live show. I showed up and signed in at around 10:30AM that morning. I was ready to rock and roll! It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was around 80º, very few clouds in the sky, and a slight breeze. It was going to be a great day! Everything from Tuesday had been done, so we just had to wait some more for the talent, which was about five more hours. Good thing I had a great bunch of people to keep me company! 

When 5PM came around, it was go time. We were sitting around and all of the sudden one of the producers or supervisors came into our room and said, "We're on shortly." We all jumped up, took our places and were ready to rock and roll. I headed over to the door I was manning and I heard the "lock it down" command on my radio. A big smile came over my face and I remember thinking, "let's do this." There was no time to waste at this point. We were on a schedule and we had to be ready to go at all times. Manning the doors may seem like an easy job, but it's not. You try and tell a WWE executive "No, you can't enter." Haha!

I could go on and on and on about my first WWE experience, but I'm going to keep it brief. I knew that joining SPARK would only bring positive outcomes. I also knew that I was going to meet an amazing group of people, people that I'll build professional relationships with. Helping out with WWE confirmed that. I'm so proud of myself for going after my dreams and attending Full Sail. Full Sail has opened the doors for me on so many amazing opportunities and connections. I look forward to working many, many more WWE events!
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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