Full Sail GRAMMYs Celebration

As a music production student at Full Sail, the GRAMMYs can be an exciting event for me. People who have worked their tails off their entire lives are finally being recognized for their hard work and dedication to music and the industry. It's the grandaddy of all accomplishments and awards in the music industry; it's like the Heisman trophy in football. Music is not something that just happens over night. It takes days, weeks, months, and even years to complete an album, and there are many, many people involved throughout the process. This year, I got to spend it celebrating at Full Sail Live, with a group of friends, trying to win prizes, enjoying free food, and with some amazing like-minded people. It was a blast!

Before I started at Full Sail I never actually sat down and watched the GRAMMYs. I just felt that they were too long and/or I was preoccupied with something else. It was also a little less than a year ago that I had decided to pursue a degree at Full Sail. Before then it was just a simple thought in the back of my mind, and I had other options laid out. I had no idea I'd be pursuing a degree in music.

Like any important event, you always begin the evening with a fancy dinner outing with great friends. We went to a restaurant that wasn't too far from a friend of mine. The food at this restaurant was excellent, but the service was horrendous. I'm not sure if we had a newbie for a waiter or we sat at an invisible table, but the service was horrid. Oh well. We went early, so we weren't rushing to get out of there or anything, so we made the most of a bad situation by teasing each other, telling stories, and getting to know each other a little better. 

After our meal, we headed straight to Full Sail because we knew it was going to be crazy busy. These types of events always are because they're really what make Full Sail stand out among other colleges. Sure enough, the line was crazy long. I wasn't sure if we were in the right line or what was going on at first, but Full Sail staff members were going up and down the line asking questions pertaining to the GRAMMYs and the grads that worked on the nominated projects. If you got the question right or sang the correct melody, you won concert tickets. Two of the friends that I went with won. 

Once we got through the doors it was sort of a mad house. There was a red carpet right as we entered Full Sail Live where a staff member was interviewing us as we walked in and you were projected on the big screen in the venue so everyone in there could watch and listen to your interview. My friends and I didn't get interviewed; however, we did have our picture taken (which I'm still waiting to get) and then moved along so we could get a decent seat inside the venue. We couldn't wait to get in and enjoy the music and free food! When we entered Full Sail Live, this is what we saw: 
Full Sail Live - GRAMMYs Celebration
Not a whole lot of action going on because we got there somewhat early, but I had one of those 'I can't believe it moments'. I felt as though the gates have been opened and I'm about to enter into Heaven. That's what it felt like at least. My mouth dropped, I looked at my friends, and a huge smile came over my face. I knew that we were going to have a blast this evening. I was surrounded by a pool of extremely talented people who are very like-minded and take this industry seriously. (This atmosphere is not very common in Barnesville.) I think that's why I enjoyed it so much! I'm finally in a place where people will understand the technical jargon I've longed to speak. I'm finally here! 

The music stopped, the lights dimmed, the chit-chat quieted, people found their seats, and the GRAMMYs began. Full Sail Live was jam-packed with people who were ready to get their groove on. Tuxedos, dresses, and many other high-fashioned outfits were worn by many of the students. I seriously felt like I was actually at the GRAMMYs. AC/DC opened the evening with "Highway to Hell" and we went crazy. We were singing along, dancing, and playin' our air guitars. After AC/DC's performance we clapped and cheered. The night had officially started, and I was so excited to see what the evening had in store for us! 

The energy throughout the night continued. I was so surprised because normally people get exhausted, but now that I think of it, Full Sail students are used to no sleep... During the commercials, the emcees for the night would get up on stage and we'd play a game. In order to participate, your raffle ticket had to be drawn. I knew that I wouldn't get drawn because that's just my luck; I never win anything. These games varied from singing, doing cart wheels, and dancing. Some of the prizes included: studio time with a somewhat well-known engineer, guitars, and (I think) the best one was an 18-channel Scarlett Focusrite audio interface (there's that technical jargon I was talking about). Once the GRAMMYs started back up everyone on stage would run back to their seats and we'd start chanting and cheering for the next performance and award. It's go time! 

The night raged on and we all had a blast playing games, laughing, networking, and dancing. This was one of my most memorable nights at Full Sail thus far, and I can't wait to attend this event next year! I also look forward to many, many more of these types of events while here at Full Sail. Afterall, I'm here to soak everything up, learn as much as I can, and network with as many like-minded people as possible because that's what Full Sail is all about.

All the best, 

Bachelor of Science, Music Production
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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