(Online) Class Review: English Composition

Before I even begin this post I'm going to start by saying that I absolutely love English. I love writing papers, essays, etc. I love anything that has to do with writing. Hence why I'm running this blog. I may not be the best at writing or grammar or anything like that, but I do love learning about it and some day I will have the English language mastered. So, without further adieu...

As I said, I love English, so this class came really easy to me because it was basically a big review. No, you didn't have to read a book and write a literary analysis, but you do have to compose a research paper at the end of the month. This is English Composition: You're composing English writing assignments to better your writing skills. Although a literary analysis would be somewhat helpful, it would be horrible (I loathe reading) and there just wouldn't be enough time to complete it. There are, however, a lot of practice assignments called LSA (Learn. Smart. Achieve.) which are time consuming if you play the guessing game and don't take the time to actually do them (kinda sorta like I did a few times). These are very easy points even if they take you three hours to complete them because you're not graded on how well you do them, you're graded on whether or not you complete them. If you complete them with 100%, you'll get 100% on that module. One of the nice things about these is that once you start you don't have to finish; you can leave and then come back to it after you've had time to cool down a bit. (There were multiple times I raised my voice at my computer screen and almost put my fist through it.) So, as you're progressing through them, I would highly recommend giving yourself some time to do these (unless you're really good with English). 

On top of the LSA module(s) that you will receive each and every week, you have a homework assignment. Now, I'm not going to delve too deep into unveiling these assignments as they are pretty simple and really kind of fun. (I thought so at least.) If you're a creative person, now is your time to shine! The assignments are really geared towards any and all degree programs and the Digital Arts and Design students are not going to have an advantage over the Recording Arts students. For example, I believe it was week three where we had to create a PSA (public service announcement) for a topic that we had chosen at the beginning of the month. This PSA could be created with any medium (a song, poster, photo, radio advertisement, etc.). I'm a photographer, so I decided to go with a photographic PSA. In week four we had to "revise" this PSA to make it even better by changing basically the whole thing. You are to "revise" it, but in order to revise successfully you must revision your work. This was really quite fun, actually! Below is my original PSA and my revised PSA. 

Original PSA
Revised PSA
Overall, English Composition was a really fun class. (For me anyways.) Most of my friends struggled with it and really didn't like it. Why? Most people just hate English. I'm glad I focused all of my energy, had fun, and succeeded in this class! If you put forth the time and effort, not just in this class but all classes at Full Sail, you will succeed. I can guarantee you that. 

Stay focused and best wishes,

Bachelor of Science, Music Production
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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