Miami Motivation

Downtown Miami
A couple of trips to Miami, family time, and beautiful weather is enough for me to continue pushing in the entertainment industry. As of right now, I'm very proud of myself for doing everything that I've done for myself and for others thus far. In doing so, I've established myself among my classmates, peers, industry mavens, and instructors. If you've read any of my previous blog posts you'll know that I've talked about professionalism, which is how I've established myself and built the reputation I have for myself. 

In the past year, I've built lifelong friendships, worked on some amazing projects, and assisted in some life-changing projects that have forever changed the lives of those who aren't as fortunate as I am. One of my most recent projects that I had the opportunity to work on was composing the music for an event for the homeless called "He Got Up." I was given the chance to compose the music for a PSA that was played on TV and radio in the Orlando, Florida area. My second proudest assignment was having the chance to compose a theme song for a WWE wrestler or diva. I poured my heart and soul into those projects and I eagerly await an email, phone call, or in-person interview from WWE. It would be a life-changing gig! 

What does all of this mean? It's a reassurance for myself that I'm on the right track; I'm headed down a path that many struggle with and dream to succeed in. I've done my research on Full Sail, the industry, and trends within to aid me in succeeding. At the moment, I firmly believe that I have everything going for me. I've established myself, succeeded in a multitude of projects and, most importantly, I have an amazing support group: my family. Without them I wouldn't be where I'm at today. 

I've veered off topic once again, which happens in a lot of my blog posts. That's alright, though, because this is meant to be a journal for myself that I've chosen to make public and share with all of you. 

Going to Miami has inspired me once again. Seeing all of the nice cars, affluent clothing, and beautiful homes and architecture only motivates me to become successful. I'm sounding a bit materialistic; however, it's a way to keep me pushing forward and realize that hard work pays off. My family has given me everything, so it would be a way to repay them. I mean, who doesn't like a beautiful place to stay when they go on a vacation? :) I would love to be able to share what I've worked hard to earn with those I love and care about. 

A bit of a shorter post today, but I wanted to talk a little bit about how going to Miami has inspired me. So, I bid you a farewell, my friends. Until next week! 

Bachelor of Science, Music Production
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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