Advanced Music Composition Programming: Final Project

It's been a whole two months since I was in my Advanced Music Composition Programming course. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in that class. 

Back in July of 2015, I took a very similar course to Advanced Music Composition Programming called Music Composition Programming. The projects were a bit more simple and focused more so on the technical side of learning Apple's Logic Pro X and a few musical elements such as arpeggios, bass lines, and drums. The months prior to Music Composition Programming were very heavy into music theory, identifying the meter of a song and various intervals within pieces of music. Music Composition Programming was the first class where we had to write an original song using only the Logic Pro X default plugins (to ensure that our projects opened up on the instructor's computer). At the end of the month, we were to present our final project to the class, friends, family (if they wanted to come), and even some Full Sail faculty. It was fun, and I learned a lot that month. 

Moving on to the advanced course...

Advanced Music Composition Programming was certainly a fun course. The music theory (which I thoroughly enjoy!) was caked on, and we got to work on a variety of cool projects. The one that I really enjoyed was our final project, which we were to compose an original piece at least 2-3 minutes in length. My project went very, very well! I nailed all of the points as stated in the rubric and my instructor (who earned their doctorate degree in Minnesota at the University of Minnesota) wanted me to share it on the class's SoundCloud page. This certainly isn't one of my most prized works, but I do really like most of the elements that are heard throughout. I had a lot of fun composing this piece because everything just came to me. That feeling you get when you're working on a song and everything you do to is working and fitting into the song is so, so refreshing! It saves a lot of time, headache, and hair. Give my final project a listen below. 

Certainly not my most prized composition, but there are a few things that I really, really enjoy in there, particularly the piano melody. Simple, yet very effective... I think.

This was just a quick blog post to share my project from Advanced Music Composition Programming. I was going to post this last month but never got around to it. I hope that you enjoyed this post and my song. :) 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Bachelor of Science, Music Production
About Unknown

Yes, I'm named after John Lennon. I'm currently attending Full Sail University to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. "Position yourself as the only logical choice." -Demo Castellon


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